Advent Calendar

Every Day A Post
Door 24

Door 24

Another year is drawing to a close. And what a year it has been! Covid-19 and Lockdown have thrown a spanner in the works. Many things had to be cancelled, isolation and loneliness were often the consequences. But let's hope that next year will be much better. To...

Door 24

Door 24

Another year is drawing to a close. And what a year it has been! Covid-19 and Lockdown have thrown a spanner in the works. Many things had to be cancelled, isolation and loneliness were often the consequences. But let's hope that next year will be much better. To...

Door 23

Door 23

Door number 23! The penultimate door! Tomorrow is the day and a big surprise awaits us. But in order to cope with it, we need some refreshment. Jeannine's favourite biscuits. Or was it Tom's? Doesn't matter! Jeannine baked them for us and is happy to share the recipe...

Door 22

Door 22

When it comes to community work and you can also contribute something artistic, the reigning Mr. Bear Luxembourg won't be asked twice! He recorded the song "Winter Wonder Land" especially for our #RosaAdventskalenner and would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas...

Door 21

Door 21

Jess is a dancer and singer at the events of FairyTails. She also has a word for us and a little video to cheer us up. We wish you happy holidays! No one should be lacking anything, stay healthy and cheerful! #YouAreNotAlone

Door 20

Door 20

The two managers of the Épiciere Golosone open door number 20 for us today. Their names are Damiano and Änski and they are standing in the middle of Italian products. They also say: you are not alone! And since the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, they...

Door 19

Door 19

It's going to be fabulous behind door number 19! Séraphine Mirage reads us the Christmas Carol in Luxembourgish. Listen carefully and maybe you'll discover a little surprise that we don't know from the story. The reading itself can be found here, but today at 11 a.m....

Door 18

Door 18

It's not the easiest task to describe Escher Kafé in just a few words, but I'll try: I would say its magic lies in its diversity. Our motto would definitely be: Come as you are! And because sometimes we like to be just a little different we do our Mulled wine with...

Door 17

Door 17

Nightlife is a big, important part of our community. I’m DJ Sanchez, a Spanish Luxembourgish Bear DJ playing in all Europe, from Madrid to Paris, Torremolinos, Bruxelles, Cologne, Rome and, of course, Luxembourg where I’m resident for Woof Luxembourg (the men-only...

Door 15

Door 15

🐻🇱🇺 Bear Dukes Luxembourg wish you good end-of-the-year celebration, and we want to remind that we are all there, a community inside the big 🏳️‍🌈LGBT+ family. So if you don't know us yet, feel free to reach us on Facebook, Instagram, our FB Community Group and...

Door 13

Door 13

Freedom of expression is also taboo in Luxembourg! CENSORSHIP, INTIMIDATION, PRESSURE, BOYCOTT... Let us defend the values of respect and tolerance, let us be proud of our diversity. "Let's accept the contribution of everyone as a gift to our cohesion. Let us be proud...

Door 12

Door 12

Door number 12. Saturday before the 3rd Advent. We are the people who were there for you last year in an honorary capacity. Some have left the board of directors and continue to support us wherever they can. Others are in the starting blocks and are waiting for the...

Door 11

Door 11

Door number 11 and it gets hairy. Today Tun would like to tell you: Du bass net alleng!! He runs a hairdressing salon in Esch-sur-Alzette and in Belvaux. Further training is part of his everyday life, as he regularly sends himself and his team to workshops and also...

Door 10

Door 10

Door number 10! There are some people hiding here. Business people who feel part of the community and who have founded a working group together with us. Together we are working on more visibility, mutual support and a common platform, so that you don't feel alone in...

Door 9

Door 9

Fairytails dance behind door number 9. They are looking forward to dancing with you again, but before they do, they want you to know: You are not alone! We are looking forward to continue working on great projects with Fairytails! Thank you friends for your video...

Door 8

Door 8

One of our 2 coordinators of our LUXEMBOURG PRIDE, Laurent Boquet, would like to invite you to next year's PRIDE WEEK, which will take place from 5th to 11th July. Even though we don't know yet how this will look like in 2021, it is very important for us that our...

Door 7

Door 7

Give yourself and your loved ones rainbow items and at the same time support our community so that, ones we left Corona behind us, many great projects can take place again. That is why we have declared today Pink Monday. Who needs Black Friday! Use the code "door7" to...

Door 5

Door 5

With our 5th door we would like to respond to the #InternationalVolunteerDay today. Andy Maar, board member of Rosa Lëtzebuerg and coordinator of Luxembourg Pride, talks about the importance of volunteering in our society! Get active, participate!

Door 4

Door 4

The singer George Philippart, whom many people know from the current season of #TheVoiceOfGermany, has been a member of Rosa Lëtzebuerg for years. His contribution to our Advent calendar has a very important message: " One thing nothing can destroy. Is our pride, deep...

Door 3

Door 3

And here are some warm words of our president Tom Hecker.       LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 LGBTIQ+ Strategy PDF

Door 2

Door 2

Original: La Team New Wave Events, vous souhaite des joyeuses fêtes malgrè la situation qu'on doit tous subir. En espérant que 2021 apporte plein de bonnes choses à la communauté; surtout de la santé, l'amour, l'amitié et l'humeur partagé, pour pouvoir enfin nous...

Door 1

Door 1

Today is World Aids Day and the DIMPS-Project has put together an exhibition that you can view online here. HIV still exists and continues to be transmitted, mainly through unprotected sex. While condoms remain the primary means of protection in the range of HIV...

Write us

Do you have questions about the General Assembly, or Rosa Lëtzebuerg? You are interested in our LUXEMBOURG PRIDE? Or do you have another question? Then use our contact form here!

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