As you will have noticed, we had to postpone our General Assembly last year at short notice due to renewed Corona restrictions. We then decided to combine it with this year’s General Assembly. 
Tournus-wise, the re-election of half of the board members was on the agenda. In addition to the re-election of Jeannine Langers and Tom Hecker, the Board of Directors also received a new member, Patricia Johnson, who has also been actively supporting our organisation since 2019.
The current Board of Directors is composed as follows:
President: Tom Hecker
Treasurer: Laurent Boquet
General Secretaries: Jeannine Langers & Patricia Johnson
Associate Members:
Andy Maar
Nicolas Van Elsué
Dominique Vitali
Jan Berlo

Amendment of the bylaws: Rosa Lëtzebuerg as a queer umbrella organisation

Another focal point for one of our work groups for the past 2 years, was to revise the ROSA LËTZEBEURG a.s.b.l. charter, we were proud to present at this year’s General AssemblySince Rosa Lëtzebuerg has long seen itself as an LGBTIQ+ organisation and extensively working, functioning, acting and thinking accordingly, we adapted our charter to the updated matters of fact and LGBT has become LGBTIQ+.
Another important change and update is the expansion of our association’s purpose and impactas our networks, our cooperations with major partner organisations, with national and large international groups and representationsand the building of a Rainbow Business Owners Networkour self-conception and representative work to many local communities the fact being an umbrella organisation had become a reality,  that needed to be legally consolidated.
Rosa Lëtzebuerg is now officially taking on this task and thus opening the path for organisations, groups and members of the RBO network to join by becoming an entity-member.
A further step, to join forces and share the resources with other member organisations and networks Rosa Lëtzebuerg was able to build over the last 25 years. Members and member organisations will have the opportunity to actively an fully participate in our thematic workgroups.
Are you a member of a queer initiative, group or organisation interested in joining forces and sharing resources to fight with a common voice for the interests of the queer community in Luxembourg? Then simply get in touch with us: