von Tom Hecker | Sep. 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome DE
Wir wollen alle unsere Mitglieder und Freunde herzlich zu unserer jährlichen Generalversammlung einladen. Diese findet am Donnerstag, den 16. November um 19.00 Uhr im Centre Culturel Bonnevoie in Luxemburg Stadt statt.Neben dem Kassenbericht für das Jahr 2019-2020 und...
von Tom Hecker | Sep. 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome FR, Événement
Même si l’été a été plutôt misérable jusqu’à présent, nous voulons faire revivre notre tradition bien-aimée après une année de pause pour célébrer la fin de l’été avec vous. Nous accueillons tout particulièrement les LGBTIQ et les réfugiés queer....
von Tom Hecker | Sep. 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome EN, Rosa Lëtzebuerg
We would like to cordially invite all our members and friends to our Annual General Meeting. It will take place on Thursday 16 November at 7 pm at the Centre Culturel Bonnevoie in Luxembourg City.Besides the treasury report for the year 2019-2020 and the proposal of a...
von Tom Hecker | Sep. 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome EN, Event, Rosa Lëtzebuerg
Even though the summer has been rather miserable so far, we want to revive our beloved tradition after a year’s break to celebrate the end of summer with you. We especially welcome LGBTIQs and queer refugees. We will meet once again at the “Hunnebur”...
von Tom Hecker | Juni 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome EN, Information, Luxembourg Pride, Other, Press release, Rosa Lëtzebuerg
As the oldest organisation in Luxembourg dedicated to fighting for the rights of the local LGBTIQ+ community, Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl is proud of our partnership with Luxair Group. Since our foundation in 1996, our organisation’s mission has been to raise...