von Tom Hecker | Juni 1, 2021 | #StayAtHome EN, Information, Luxembourg Pride, Other, Press release, Rosa Lëtzebuerg
As the oldest organisation in Luxembourg dedicated to fighting for the rights of the local LGBTIQ+ community, Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl is proud of our partnership with Luxair Group. Since our foundation in 1996, our organisation’s mission has been to raise...
von Rosa Lëtzebuerg | Apr. 2, 2021 | #StayAtHome EN, Press release
Open letter to Cardinal Hollerich The Roman Catholic Church is the largest religious community in Luxembourg and accordingly has a great social responsibility. After several priests in Germany had spoken out in favour of giving blessings to same-sex couples, the...
von Tom Hecker | Apr. 26, 2020 | Press release
Lettre ouverte au Président de la Chambre des Députés et au Premier Ministre Dotons le Centre pour l’Egalité de Traitement (CET) de réelles compétences et de suffisamment de moyens pour lutter contre les phénomènes discriminatoires en général et le racisme en...