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#StayAtHome 01: Keith Haring

#StayAtHome 01: Keith Haring

#StayAtHome & discover the queer culture! In view of the difficult times in which we have to limit social contact, our free time is restricted to our four walls! That's why we want to show you tips for articles, portraits, interviews or documentaries in the coming...

#StayAtHome 01: Keith Haring

#StayAtHome 01: Keith Haring

#StayAtHome et découvrez la culture queer! En raison des temps difficiles où nous devons limiter les contacts sociaux, notre temps libre est limité à nos quatre murs ! C'est pourquoi nous voulons vous montrer des conseils pour des articles, des portraits, des...

queesch: Ballroom

queesch: Ballroom

[:en]The queer culture is extremely diverse and in its history it has provided opportunities for self-development and empowering in many different ways in entire communities. We want to bring one of those concepts to Luxembourg and have chosen the idea of the New York...

[:en]ILGA Europe today publish their Annual Review on the human rights situation of LGBTI people across Europe.[:de]ILGA Europe veröffentlicht heute ihren Jahresbericht über die Menschenrechtssituation der LGBTI-Menschen in ganz Europa.[:fr]ILGA Europe publie aujourd’hui son rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l’homme des personnes LGBTI en Europe.[:]

[:en]ILGA Europe today publish their Annual Review on the human rights situation of LGBTI people across Europe.[:de]ILGA Europe veröffentlicht heute ihren Jahresbericht über die Menschenrechtssituation der LGBTI-Menschen in ganz Europa.[:fr]ILGA Europe publie aujourd’hui son rapport annuel sur la situation des droits de l’homme des personnes LGBTI en Europe.[:]

[:en]Publication of the Annual Review has become an important date in Europe’s LGBTI calendar, largely thanks to the expertise and information from activists and experts on the ground in each country whose contributions make up the majority of the content. And whilst...

[:en]Annual General Meeting 2019 of Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:de]Generalversammlung 2019 von Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:fr]AGO 2019 de Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl[:lu]Annual General Meeting 2019 of Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:]

[:en]Annual General Meeting 2019 of Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:de]Generalversammlung 2019 von Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:fr]AGO 2019 de Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl[:lu]Annual General Meeting 2019 of Rosa Lëtzebuerg[:]

[:en]29. November 2019 | The actual board of Rosa Lëtzebuerg is inviting all its members and friends to our Annual General Meeting. Unfortunately, it will be this year even later than in 2018, but this with reasons. In the last two years happend a lot of minor and...

[:en]15.09.2019 1st Volunteer Barcamp for the LXB Pride 2020[:de] 15.09.2019 1. Freiwilligen Barcamp für den LXB Pride 2020[:fr] 15.09.2019 1er Barcamp des bénévoles de la LXB Pride 2020[:lu] 15.09.2019 1. Volontär Barcamp fir den LXB Pride 2020[:]

[:en]15.09.2019 1st Volunteer Barcamp for the LXB Pride 2020[:de] 15.09.2019 1. Freiwilligen Barcamp für den LXB Pride 2020[:fr] 15.09.2019 1er Barcamp des bénévoles de la LXB Pride 2020[:lu] 15.09.2019 1. Volontär Barcamp fir den LXB Pride 2020[:]

[:en] This year's edition is done, now we are planning the #LuxembourgPride2020! And we don't want to do that without you!Our Pride Event is not just a project of a few people, it should be THE highlight for the Luxembourgish community, made by the...